“Flow. Connection. Harmony. Clear Crown Pieces are ultimately intended to facilitate unprecedented communication between horse and human—enhancing the experiences of both, and the relationship between the two.”
—Dr. Kim Knock, DVM
The Clearspace Clear Crown Piece is designed to maintain and enhance function, performance and expression of the equine body, mind and soul by supporting the integrity of the body’s intricate systems. The use of halters and bridles inherently place pressure on the critical communication area of the poll, thereby compromising underlying musculoskeletal structures as well as circulatory and nervous systems.
Placed over the halter or bridle at the poll, the Clear Crown Piece reduces compromise by physically reducing pressure, while far infrared and negative ions, specific colour frequency, crystal energy and sacred geometry work to maximize function. As with all Clearspace products, far infrared rays (FIR) facilitate circulation of blood and lymph, as well as electrical and energetic components. Negative ions support optimal health on a cellular level and an overall sense of calm and wellbeing. The perfectly proportioned sacred geometry is ever-present, gently supporting all living things to reach their highest potential, while clearing static of communications and offering protection from potentially harmful EM waves.
The Clear Crown Piece is perfect for use during any activity when a halter or bridle is in place:
- Grooming
- Ground work
- Riding
- Vet visits
- Travel/Trailering
It is especially helpful to offset the physical stress and demands of trailering, and can be used any time supportive case is needed. Experience the difference this simple yet profound, therapeutic tool can make in your horses lives. The thoughtful design is user friendly—and easily applied to all varieties of tack.
- Non-invasive
- User-friendly
- Machine washable
- Tourmaline infused material
- Works well in combination with a Go Anywhere Mat used as a saddle pad!
The Clear Crown Piece in offered in the colour combinations of violet/gold, and turquoise/magenta. Violet/gold effectively supports the body physically, whereas turquoise/magenta works on more of an energetic level. Custom selection consultations with Dr. Kim are available for an additional fee.
VIOLET: settles nerves, think calming w/heightened awareness
GOLD: supports spine, think alertness/energizing/processing
TURQUOISE: supports pericardium, think happy place/anti-road rage
MAGENTA: supports liver, think heightened awareness to connection/letting go of that which does not serve
VIOLET/GOLD Soft Systems Support
Violet (support of crown chakra, spleen meridian)
- Supports soft tissues
- Supports immune system functioning
- Eases digestive upset
- Supports information assimilation
- Supports grief processing
- Relieves muscular and visceral pain and dysfunction
- Relieves anxiety
Gold (support of solar plexus chakra, bladder and stomach meridian)
- Supports weakness and/or lethargy
- Relieves symptoms of depression
- Fosters personal power
- Enhances mental clarity/gut feelings
- Supports lymphatic flow
- Supports/enhances digestion
- Supports information assimilation
- Increases vigor
Magenta (support of 8th chakra, liver meridian, representative of Kali, Goddess of Destruction and Rebirth)
- Supports energy
- Supports spiritual evolution
- Supports healthy liver function
- Works to release obstacles and restrictive patterns of behavior that no longer serves
- Facilitates connection to divine guidance
- Facilitates movement through difficult times, and assists in the reluctant release of that which no longer serves
Turquoise (support of 4 ½ chakra/High Heart, pericardium meridian, representative of Ganesh, God of Wisdom, freer of obstacles)
- Supports living from one’s “Best Self”
- Supports connection to collective consciousness
- Protects pericardium function
- Provides nurturing support in situations involving shock or trauma
- Encourages creativity and overall well-being